Sedan service
Sedans service Informations

Sedans service

For fastidious international customers we are on the way:
LIMOUSINEN SERVICE BASEL, the leading company for private transportation in Basel.

Our specialities are:

  • availability of local drivers with local knowledge for you own car
  • exclusive sedans service with multilingual drivers
  • organisation of tranports for big events such as congresses and conferences
  • creation of safetydispositives (armored vehicles, escort)
  • safe transportation of valuable articles and courier services
  • free international sedan reservation in 82 countries
  • mediation of private jets, helicopters, yachts, hunts and journeys for fishing
  • we are attainable for you 24 hours a day
Spoil delicate customers with our VIP service.

Our multilingual local employees have a very good local knowledge in Switzerland and in other countries. Reliability and discretation is our highest requirement
